Building our Dream House

This Blog will be a documentation of our homebuilding process from dirt lot to move-in (and beyond)! I will post pictures, share my thoughts, and ask for input!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Looking like a real house!

Is that the electrician who is going to bring power to our house? Oh, wait... no, that is just Jeff, in his element!
Looking up at our turret!
We are movin' now!

Lookin' good! We can't wait!!
A view from the trail opening. Our house is the first one on the right.
This is where the boys have to stay when we look at the house. They are looking for ladybugs!
Framing coming along nicely!
Our larger garage.
Another view.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Looking down from the top of the stairs.
Second story, taken in boys play area. Looking at the turret (and Jeff).
Oooh... it is coming along so nicely!
They are putting on the roof. We have the box for our electrical panel!
Another angle.


Some parts of the ventilation (in the floor of our dining room).
The back of our fireplace (and Jeff's hands).
We have a fireplace!

Look, we have an address!! Our house is going to be the prettiest in the development! No, seriously... the front design and the color scheme are the prettiest!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ben's friends come take a look

Ben's best friend Jason, in Ben's closet!

Ben's buds hanging out in their area!
Anthony on the room that will be Leo's.

Ben's friends came to check out the house! They were amazed! Neither of them had ever been in a house that big (the model of course)! I wanted to show them that we are not far from our old house, so they can still come to visit even though they will not go to the same school!

We are comin' along!

I'm lovin' it!
How exciting!!
View of our house as we drive in!
Do you recognize these houses? These are houses numbers 2-4. They are looking good!
Our accross the street neighbors were there checking out there house. We waved but there was no other connection. It was VERY windy!!

Second story

Looking at Ben and Leo's rooms!
Front door and 2 garages.
Our stairs!!